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Myth: You Can Build Muscle Only with Protein Supplements

A common misconception is that to gain muscle mass, individuals must rely heavily on protein supplements like shakes and bars. This belief can lead to an overemphasis on protein supplementation in diets, especially among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.

However, research published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that while protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth, it is not the only factor that contributes to muscle development. Whole foods such as lean meats, dairy, legumes, and whole grains provide not only protein but also essential nutrients and energy necessary for effective workouts and muscle recovery. Moreover, resistance training and overall caloric intake play significant roles in muscle growth. Relying solely on supplements can lead to an imbalanced diet and may not yield the desired muscle gains. Understanding that a well-rounded diet and training regimen are key to muscle development can promote healthier and more sustainable fitness practices.


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