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When did Vikings live?

Vikings lived during the Viking Age, which spanned from approximately 793 AD to 1066 AD, a period marked by exploration and raids.

The Viking Age is a historical period that lasted from approximately 793 AD to 1066 AD, during which the Norse seafarers, known as Vikings, engaged in extensive exploration, trading, and raiding across Europe and beyond. This era began with the significant raid on Lindisfarne in 793, which marked the Vikings' aggressive expansion into the British Isles and other territories. Throughout this period, Vikings established settlements, traded goods, and interacted with various cultures, leaving a profound impact on the regions they encountered. Their societal structure was complex, consisting of chieftains, warriors, farmers, and craftsmen, and their lifestyle was heavily influenced by the harsh climates of Scandinavia, leading to innovations in shipbuilding, navigation, and agriculture. The end of the Viking Age is often marked by the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, which incorporated many Viking territories into emerging European kingdoms. The legacy of the Vikings is still felt today through their contributions to trade, exploration, and cultural exchange, as well as their influence on modern language and folklore.

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