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What is a graph, and how is it represented?
A graph is a collection of nodes (vertices) connected by edges. It can be represented using an adjacency list, an adjacency matrix, or an edge list.
A graph is a fundamental data structure consisting of a collection of nodes (vertices) connected by edges. Graphs can model complex relationships in various fields, including computer science, social networks, transportation, and biology. They can be classified into different types, such as directed (where edges have a direction) or undirected (where edges do not have a direction), weighted (where edges have associated costs) or unweighted (where all edges are equal). Graphs can be represented in several ways, with the most common representations being the adjacency list, adjacency matrix, and edge list. An adjacency list consists of an array of lists, where each list represents the neighbors of a vertex. This representation is space-efficient, especially for sparse graphs, as it only stores edges that exist. An adjacency matrix, on the other hand, is a 2D array where the rows and columns represent vertices, and each cell indicates whether an edge exists between the corresponding vertices. This representation is useful for dense graphs but can consume significant memory for sparse graphs. Finally, an edge list is a simple representation where edges are stored as pairs of vertices. Understanding graphs and their representations is essential for mastering data structures and algorithms, as they provide a foundation for solving complex problems like shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford), network flow, and minimum spanning trees (Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms). Mastery of graphs opens up new avenues in algorithm design and problem-solving across various domains.
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