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How do I perform union-find (disjoint set) operations in TypeScript?

The union-find algorithm is used to efficiently manage a set of disjoint sets. In TypeScript, you can implement it using an array for parent pointers and rank for optimization.

Union-find, also known as disjoint-set, is a data structure that tracks a collection of non-overlapping sets. It supports two main operations: 'find' to determine the set a particular element belongs to, and 'union' to merge two sets into one. Union-find is optimized using two techniques: path compression and union by rank. Path compression flattens the structure of the tree whenever 'find' is called, making future queries faster. Union by rank ensures that the tree representing the set remains shallow by attaching the smaller tree under the root of the larger tree. In TypeScript, you can implement union-find using two arrays, one for storing the parent of each element and another for storing the rank (or size) of each tree. Union-find is particularly useful in solving problems like determining connected components in a graph, Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees, and in networking or social networking applications to detect communities or clusters. Understanding and implementing union-find with optimizations can greatly enhance the performance of algorithms dealing with partitioned sets or connectivity.

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