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GitHub - sivsushruth/consolex: Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project

Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project - sivsushruth/consolex

Visit SiteGitHub - sivsushruth/consolex: Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project

GitHub - sivsushruth/consolex: Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project

Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project - sivsushruth/consolex

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MIT License Hex Version

Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project.

Image of console

Use the following mix task to start the server on port 5984.

mix consolex.server

Web Console Usage

Open up localhost:5984 on your browser and by default, you get a few launch options:

iex -S mix

You can choose to provide other shell options as well, like iex -S mix phoenix.server. Once the shell is launched, you can start using the editor and hit "Ctrl/Cmd + Enter" or click on the provided button to send the code to the running IEx instance and execute it.

Consider a sample input code

a = 1 + 2
b = a + 3

There are two ways to send the code to the shell for execution and a sample interaction with the shell is as follows

Single line input(Default)

iex(1)> a = 1 + 2; b = a + 3

Multiline input

iex(1)> a = 1 + 2
iex(2)> b = a + 3

Click on the options button to customise the console as per your liking.

Warning: Due to the exposed shell for commands, it is strongly advised to refrain from using this in production environment

Warning: This project is still in development and contains bugs. Please help by reporting issues on github


  • Web Console
  • Ability to plug into any existing mix project
  • Multi line IEx command
  • Command history
  • Erl shell (Please set input option as "multi line")


To attach the web console to any mix project, just add consolex to your list of dependencies.

Add consolex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs using either

[{:consolex, "~> 0.1.0"}]

[{:consolex, git: "https://github.com/sivsushruth/consolex"}]

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2016, Sushruth Sivaramakrishnan.

Consolex source code is licensed under the MIT License.

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