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GitHub - epsanchezma/pagexduty: Elixir client for PagerDuty

Elixir client for PagerDuty. Contribute to epsanchezma/pagexduty development by creating an account on GitHub.

Visit SiteGitHub - epsanchezma/pagexduty: Elixir client for PagerDuty

GitHub - epsanchezma/pagexduty: Elixir client for PagerDuty

Elixir client for PagerDuty. Contribute to epsanchezma/pagexduty development by creating an account on GitHub.

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PagerDuty client for Elixir.


Add pagexduty as a dependency to your project:

  defp deps do
    [{:pagexduty, "~> 0.1.0"}]

And add pagexduty to applications list:

  def application do
    [applications: [:pagexduty]]

Finally fetch and compile dependency:

mix deps.get
mix deps.compile


# Create an incident only with a description

Pagexduty.Server.trigger("Something is not right")

# Create an incident with a description and details

Pagexduty.Server.trigger("You know nothing, Server Snow", %{"detail" => "something"})

# Create an incident with a description and incident_key

Pagexduty.Server.trigger("An error occurred", "srv01/HTTP")

# Create a incident with a description, incident_key and details

Pagexduty.Server.trigger("An error occurred", "srv01/HTTP", %{"detail" => "something"})


pagexduty is copyright (c) 2015 Ride Group Inc and contributors.

The source code is released under the MIT License.

Check LICENSE for more information.

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