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GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-toggl: Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux. - bigardone/phoenix-toggl

Visit SiteGitHub - bigardone/phoenix-toggl: Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-toggl: Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux. - bigardone/phoenix-toggl

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Phoenix Toggl

Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.


Live demo



You need to have Elixir v1.2 and PostgreSQL installed.

Installation instructions

To start your Phoenix Trello app:

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. Install npm packages with npm install
  3. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  4. Run seeds to create demo user with mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
  5. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.



Integration tests with Hound and Selenium ChromeDriver. Instructions:

  1. Install ChromeDriver with npm install -g chromedriver
  2. Run ChromeDriver in a new terminal window with chromedriver
  3. Run tests with mix test

If you don't want to run integration tests just run mix test --exclude integration.



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