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GitHub - bydooweedoo/is: Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.

Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support. - bydooweedoo/is

Visit SiteGitHub - bydooweedoo/is: Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.

GitHub - bydooweedoo/is: Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.

Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support. - bydooweedoo/is

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Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding is to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:is, "~> 1.0.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/is.


iex> data = Enum.map(1..2, &(%{
...>   a: 1,
...>   b: "b",
...>   c: {"a", "b", false},
...>   d: [[1, 2, "3"], [4, false, 6]],
...>   e: -1,
...>   f: "1234567891011",
...>   index: &1 - 10,
...> }))
iex> schema = [list: [map: %{
...>   a: :binary,
...>   b: :boolean,
...>   c: [list: [or: [:binary, :boolean]]],
...>   d: [list: [list: :integer]],
...>   e: [and: [:optional, :binary]],
...>   index: [and: [:integer, in_range: [min: 0]]],
...> }]]
iex> Is.validate(data, schema)
  {:error, [0, :a], "must be a binary"},
  {:error, [0, :b], "must be a boolean"},
  {:error, [0, :c], "must be a list"},
  {:error, [0, :d, 0, 2], "must be an integer"},
  {:error, [0, :d, 1, 1], "must be an integer"},
  {:error, [0, :e], "must be a binary"},
  {:error, [0, :index], "must at least be 0"},
  {:error, [1, :a], "must be a binary"},
  {:error, [1, :b], "must be a boolean"},
  {:error, [1, :c], "must be a list"},
  {:error, [1, :d, 0, 2], "must be an integer"},
  {:error, [1, :d, 1, 1], "must be an integer"},
  {:error, [1, :e], "must be a binary"},
  {:error, [1, :index], "must at least be 0"},


Basic types


Test if data is an atom or not

iex> Is.validate(:value, :atom)

iex> Is.validate(:value, atom: true)

iex> Is.validate(1, :atom)
[{:error, [], "must be a atom"}]

iex> Is.validate(:value, atom: false)
[{:error, [], "must not be a atom"}]


Test if data is a binary or not

iex> Is.validate("value", :binary)

iex> Is.validate("value", binary: true)

iex> Is.validate(1, :binary)
[{:error, [], "must be a binary"}]

iex> Is.validate("value", binary: false)
[{:error, [], "must not be a binary"}]


Test if data is a boolean or not

iex> Is.validate(true, :boolean)

iex> Is.validate(true, boolean: true)

iex> Is.validate(1, :boolean)
[{:error, [], "must be a boolean"}]

iex> Is.validate(true, boolean: false)
[{:error, [], "must not be a boolean"}]


Test if data equals given value

iex> Is.validate(true, equals: true)

iex> Is.validate("str", equals: "str")

iex> Is.validate(1, equals: true)
[{:error, [], "must equals true"}]


Test if data equals given value

iex> Is.validate(1, fn: &is_number/1)

iex> Is.validate(true, fn: &is_number/1)
[{:error, [], "must satisfies &:erlang.is_number/1"}]

iex> starts_with? = fn(value, prefix) ->
...>   if String.starts_with?(value, prefix) do
...>     :ok
...>   else
...>     {:error, "must start with #{inspect prefix}"}
...>   end
...> end
iex> Is.validate("https://elixir-lang.org", fn: [starts_with?, "http"])
iex> Is.validate("elixir-lang.org", fn: [starts_with?, "http"])
[{:error, [], "must start with \"http\""}]

iex> Is.validate(12, fn: {1, 2})
[{:error, [], "fn: options are invalid"}]

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