

for different kinds of informations and explorations.

GitHub - SebastianSzturo/kaisuu: Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime

Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime. Contribute to SebastianSzturo/kaisuu development by creating an account on GitHub.

Visit SiteGitHub - SebastianSzturo/kaisuu: Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime

GitHub - SebastianSzturo/kaisuu: Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime

Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime. Contribute to SebastianSzturo/kaisuu development by creating an account on GitHub.

Powered by 0x5a.live ๐Ÿ’—

ๅ›žๆ•ฐ - Kaisuu

Kaisuu streams live data from Twitter to gather kanji frequency usage patterns in tweets. It can be used to optimize the order of your kanji studies or to make assumptions about what people in Japan are tweeting about.


Install dependencies with

mix deps.get

Install Node.js dependencies with

npm install

Create a ./config/dev.secret.exs with your twitter credentials

use Mix.Config

config :extwitter, :oauth, [
   consumer_key:        "CONSUMER_KEY",
   consumer_secret:     "CONSUMER_SECRET",
   access_token:        "ACCESS_TOKEN",
   access_token_secret: "ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"

Start Phoenix endpoint with

mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Elixir Resources

are all listed below.


listed to get explored on!!

Made with โค๏ธ

to provide different kinds of informations and resources.