

for different kinds of informations and explorations.

GitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)

A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org) - GitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)

Visit SiteGitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)

GitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)

A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org) - GitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)

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JishoElixir Hex pm

A wrapper around Jisho.org's API (http://jisho.org).

What is Jisho.org?

It's an online Japanese to English dictionary that you can read about here.

JishoElixir currently Supports

  1. Searching by word
  2. Searching by tags http://jisho.org/docs
  3. Searching for verbs
  4. And much more if you combine them.


First, add JishoElixir to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:jisho_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}

and run $ mix deps.get


Your best bet is to visit the hex docs, but:

	JishoElixir.search("峠", ["n", "exp"], 1)


What about formatting the response?

The library returns a map that's been parsed directly from json. I leave it up to you to write a wrapper around it.

Do I need an API key?


Where can I find documentation for the Jisho API

At the moment, just here.

What about kanji?

It's been hinted by the Jisho team that it's on the way, but for now you can search kanji the same way you search a word. The downside is kanji tags (found here) won't work.


Thank you to the Jisho.org team, especially Kimtaro.

Elixir Resources

are all listed below.


listed to get explored on!!

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to provide different kinds of informations and resources.