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GitHub - era/pay: Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.

Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions. - era/pay

Visit SiteGitHub - era/pay: Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.

GitHub - era/pay: Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.

Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions. - era/pay

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Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions. The lib's main goal is to be easy to extend other payment solutions.

It also uses Maru to receive the callback from the payment, so you don't need to worry about it. Just add the function that you want to run everytime that a payment is confirmed (or denied). {TODO}


Creating a Payment (you must use the PaypalPayment struct):

Payment.create_payment(%Paypal.Payment{intent: "authorize", payer: %{"funding_instruments" => [%{"credit_card" => %{"billing_address" => %{"city" => "Saratoga", "country_code" => "US", "line1" => "111 First Street", "postal_code" => "95070", "state" => "CA"}, "cvv2" => "874", "expire_month" => 11, "expire_year" => 2018, "first_name" => "Betsy", "last_name" => "Buyer", "number" => "4417119669820331", "type" => "visa"}}], "payment_method" => "credit_card"}, transactions: [%{"amount" => %{"currency" => "USD", "details" => %{"shipping" => "0.03", "subtotal" => "7.41", "tax" => "0.03"}, "total" => "7.47"}, "description" => "This is the payment transaction description."}]})

or if using Paypal as the payment method:

# create payment
payment = Payment.create_payment(%Paypal.Payment{
  intent: "sale",
  payer: %{"payment_method" => "paypal"},
  transactions: [%{"amount" => %{"currency" => "USD", "details" => %{"shipping" => "0.03", "subtotal" => "7.41", "tax" => "0.03"}, "total" => "7.47"}, "description" => "This is the payment transaction description."}],
  redirect_urls: %{"return_url" => "http://YOUR_RETURN_URL", "cancel_url" => "http://YOUR_CANCEL_URL"}
approval_url = Enum.find(payment["links"], fn (x) -> x["rel"] == "approval_url" and x["method"] == "REDIRECT" end)
# redirect user to approval_url["href"]
# after user has approved the payment, we can execute it on return url call.
Payment.execute_payment(%Paypal.Payment{id: "PAYMENT_ID_FROM_RETURN_CALL", payer: %{id: "PAYER_ID_FROM_RETURN_CALL"}})

then add the pay to your config/config.exs

config :pay, type: :paypal

And also your key from paypal:

config :pay, :paypal,
  client_id: "EOJ2S-Z6OoN_le_KS1d75wsZ6y0SFdVsY9183IvxFyZp",
  secret: "EClusMEUk8e9ihI7ZdVLF5cZ6y0SFdVsY9183IvxFyZp",
  env: :prod

In your mix file:

def deps do
  [{:pay, github: "era/pay"}]

def application do
  [applications: [:pay]]

Phoenix + Pay

If you want an example of how to use it, take a look at era/extip. It's a very simple example of how to use pay with Phoenix Apps.


  • Fork it
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Create a Pull Request


  • Support all Paypal API.
  • Add pagar.me support.
  • Add pagseguro support.



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