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GitHub - ericentin/ets_map: An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table

An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table - ericentin/ets_map

Visit SiteGitHub - ericentin/ets_map: An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table

GitHub - ericentin/ets_map: An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table

An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table - ericentin/ets_map

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A Map-like Elixir data structure that is backed by an ETS table.


The package can be installed by:

  1. Adding ets_map to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:ets_map, "~> 0.0.1"}] end

  2. Ensuring ets_map is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:ets_map]] end

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