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GitHub - lexmag/msgpax: High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir] - lexmag/msgpax

Visit SiteGitHub - lexmag/msgpax: High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

GitHub - lexmag/msgpax: High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir] - lexmag/msgpax

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Msgpax is a high-performance and comprehensive library for serializing and deserializing Elixir terms using the MessagePack format.

Documentation is available online.


  • Packing and unpacking Elixir terms via Msgpax.pack/1 and Msgpax.unpack/1 (and their bang! variants).
  • Unpacking of partial slices of MessagePack-encoded terms via Msgpax.unpack_slice/1.
  • Support for "Binary" and "Extension" MessagePack types via Msgpax.Bin and Msgpax.Ext, respectively.
  • Protocol-based packing through the Msgpax.Packer protocol, that can be derived for user-defined structs.
  • A Plug parser (Msgpax.PlugParser) to parse requests with MessagePack-encoded bodies.
  • Support for MessagePack data fragment manipulation.

A detailed table that shows the relationship between Elixir types and MessagePack types can be found in the documentation for the Msgpax module.


Add :msgpax as a dependency in your mix.exs file:

def deps do
  [{:msgpax, "~> 2.0"}]

Then, run mix deps.get in your shell to fetch the new dependency.


Msgpax is released under the ISC license.

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