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GitHub - shettyh/threadpool: Golang simple thread pool implementation

Golang simple thread pool implementation. Contribute to shettyh/threadpool development by creating an account on GitHub.

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GitHub - shettyh/threadpool: Golang simple thread pool implementation

Golang simple thread pool implementation. Contribute to shettyh/threadpool development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Golang Threadpool implementation

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Scalable threadpool implementation using Go to handle the huge network trafic.


go get github.com/shettyh/threadpool



  • Implement Runnable interface for tha task that needs to be executed. For example

    type MyTask struct { }
    func (t *MyTask) Run(){
      // Do your task here
  • Create instance of ThreadPool with number of workers required and the task queue size

    pool := threadpool.NewThreadPool(200,1000000)
  • Create Task and execute

    err := pool.Execute(task)
  • Using Callable task

    type MyTaskCallable struct { }
    func (c *MyTaskCallable) Call() interface{} {
      //Do task 
      return result
    //Execute callable task
    task := &MyTaskCallable{}
    future, err := pool.ExecuteFuture(task)
    //Check if the task is done
    isDone := future.IsDone() // true/false
    //Get response , blocking call
    result := future.Get()
  • Close the pool


Scheduled threadpool

  • Create instance of ScheduledThreadPool with number of workers required
    schedulerPool:= threadpool.NewScheduledThreadPool(10)
  • Create Task and schedule
    pool.ScheduleOnce(task, time.Second*20) // Time delay is in seconds only as of now
  • Close the pool

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