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GitHub - lqs/sqlingo: 💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go.

💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go. - lqs/sqlingo

Visit SiteGitHub - lqs/sqlingo: 💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go.

GitHub - lqs/sqlingo: 💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go.

💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go. - lqs/sqlingo

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Mentioned in Awesome Go go.dev Travis CI Go Report Card codecov MIT license last commit

sqlingo is a SQL DSL (a.k.a. SQL Builder or ORM) library in Go. It generates code from the database and lets you write SQL queries in an elegant way.


  • Auto-generating DSL objects and model structs from the database so you don't need to manually keep things in sync
  • SQL DML (SELECT / INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE) with some advanced SQL query syntaxes
  • Many common errors could be detected at compile time
  • Your can use the features in your editor / IDE, such as autocompleting the fields and queries, or finding the usage of a field or a table
  • Context support
  • Transaction support
  • Interceptor support
  • Golang time.Time is supported now, but you can still use the string type by adding -timeAsString when generating the model

Database Support Status

Database Status
MySQL stable
PostgreSQL experimental
SQLite experimental


Install and use sqlingo code generator

The first step is to generate code from the database. In order to generate code, sqlingo requires your tables are already created in the database.

$ go install github.com/lqs/sqlingo/sqlingo-gen-mysql@latest
$ mkdir -p generated/sqlingo
$ sqlingo-gen-mysql root:123456@/database_name >generated/sqlingo/database_name.dsl.go

Write your application

Here's a demonstration of some simple & advanced usage of sqlingo.

package main

import (
    . "./generated/sqlingo"

func main() {
    db, err := sqlingo.Open("mysql", "root:123456@/database_name")
    if err != nil {

    // a simple query
    var customers []*CustomerModel
        Where(Customer.Id.In(1, 2)).

    // query from multiple tables
    var customerId int64
    var orderId int64
    err = db.Select(Customer.Id, Order.Id).
        From(Customer, Order).
        Where(Customer.Id.Equals(Order.CustomerId), Order.Id.Equals(1)).
        FetchFirst(&customerId, &orderId)
    // subquery and count
    count, err := db.SelectFrom(Order)
            Where(Customer.Name.Equals("Customer One")))).
    // group-by with auto conversion to map
    var customerIdToOrderCount map[int64]int64
    err = db.Select(Order.CustomerId, f.Count(1)).
    if err != nil {
    // insert some rows
    customer1 := &CustomerModel{name: "Customer One"}
    customer2 := &CustomerModel{name: "Customer Two"}
    _, err = db.InsertInto(Customer).
        Models(customer1, customer2).
    // insert with on-duplicate-key-update
    _, err = db.InsertInto(Customer).
    	Fields(Customer.Id, Customer.Name).
    	Values(42, "Universe").
    	Set(Customer.Name, Customer.Name.Concat(" 2")).

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