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GitHub - Jeffail/gabs: For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go

For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go - Jeffail/gabs

Visit SiteGitHub - Jeffail/gabs: For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go

GitHub - Jeffail/gabs: For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go

For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go - Jeffail/gabs

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pkg.go for Jeffail/gabs

Gabs is a small utility for dealing with dynamic or unknown JSON structures in Go. It's pretty much just a helpful wrapper for navigating hierarchies of map[string]interface{} objects provided by the encoding/json package. It does nothing spectacular apart from being fabulous.

If you're migrating from version 1 check out migration.md for guidance.



Using modules:

import (

Without modules:

import (

Parsing and searching JSON

jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(`{
				30, 40
if err != nil {

var value float64
var ok bool

value, ok = jsonParsed.Path("outer.inner.value1").Data().(float64)
// value == 10.0, ok == true

value, ok = jsonParsed.Search("outer", "inner", "value1").Data().(float64)
// value == 10.0, ok == true

value, ok = jsonParsed.Search("outer", "alsoInner", "array1", "1").Data().(float64)
// value == 40.0, ok == true

gObj, err := jsonParsed.JSONPointer("/outer/alsoInner/array1/1")
if err != nil {
value, ok = gObj.Data().(float64)
// value == 40.0, ok == true

value, ok = jsonParsed.Path("does.not.exist").Data().(float64)
// value == 0.0, ok == false

exists := jsonParsed.Exists("outer", "inner", "value1")
// exists == true

exists = jsonParsed.ExistsP("does.not.exist")
// exists == false

Iterating objects

jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(`{"object":{"first":1,"second":2,"third":3}}`))
if err != nil {

// S is shorthand for Search
for key, child := range jsonParsed.S("object").ChildrenMap() {
	fmt.Printf("key: %v, value: %v\n", key, child.Data().(float64))

Iterating arrays

jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(`{"array":["first","second","third"]}`))
if err != nil {

for _, child := range jsonParsed.S("array").Children() {

Will print:


Children() will return all children of an array in order. This also works on objects, however, the children will be returned in a random order.

Searching through arrays

If your structure contains arrays you must target an index in your search.

jsonParsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(`{"array":[{"value":1},{"value":2},{"value":3}]}`))
if err != nil {

Will print 2.

Generating JSON

jsonObj := gabs.New()
// or gabs.Wrap(jsonObject) to work on an existing map[string]interface{}

jsonObj.Set(10, "outer", "inner", "value")
jsonObj.SetP(20, "outer.inner.value2")
jsonObj.Set(30, "outer", "inner2", "value3")


Will print:


To pretty-print:

fmt.Println(jsonObj.StringIndent("", "  "))

Will print:

  "outer": {
    "inner": {
      "value": 10,
      "value2": 20
    "inner2": {
      "value3": 30

Generating Arrays

jsonObj := gabs.New()

jsonObj.Array("foo", "array")
// Or .ArrayP("foo.array")

jsonObj.ArrayAppend(10, "foo", "array")
jsonObj.ArrayAppend(20, "foo", "array")
jsonObj.ArrayAppend(30, "foo", "array")


Will print:


Working with arrays by index:

jsonObj := gabs.New()

// Create an array with the length of 3
jsonObj.ArrayOfSize(3, "foo")

jsonObj.S("foo").SetIndex("test1", 0)
jsonObj.S("foo").SetIndex("test2", 1)

// Create an embedded array with the length of 3
jsonObj.S("foo").ArrayOfSizeI(3, 2)

jsonObj.S("foo").Index(2).SetIndex(1, 0)
jsonObj.S("foo").Index(2).SetIndex(2, 1)
jsonObj.S("foo").Index(2).SetIndex(3, 2)


Will print:


Converting back to JSON

This is the easiest part:

jsonParsedObj, _ := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(`{
	"outer2":"hello world"

jsonOutput := jsonParsedObj.String()
// Becomes `{"outer":{"values":{"first":10,"second":11}},"outer2":"hello world"}`

And to serialize a specific segment is as simple as:

jsonParsedObj := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(`{
	"outer2":"hello world"

jsonOutput := jsonParsedObj.Search("outer").String()
// Becomes `{"values":{"first":10,"second":11}}`

Merge two containers

You can merge a JSON structure into an existing one, where collisions will be converted into a JSON array.

jsonParsed1, _ := ParseJSON([]byte(`{"outer":{"value1":"one"}}`))
jsonParsed2, _ := ParseJSON([]byte(`{"outer":{"inner":{"value3":"three"}},"outer2":{"value2":"two"}}`))

// Becomes `{"outer":{"inner":{"value3":"three"},"value1":"one"},"outer2":{"value2":"two"}}`

Arrays are merged:

jsonParsed1, _ := ParseJSON([]byte(`{"array":["one"]}`))
jsonParsed2, _ := ParseJSON([]byte(`{"array":["two"]}`))

// Becomes `{"array":["one", "two"]}`

Parsing Numbers

Gabs uses the json package under the bonnet, which by default will parse all number values into float64. If you need to parse Int values then you should use a json.Decoder:

sample := []byte(`{"test":{"int":10,"float":6.66}}`)
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(sample))

val, err := gabs.ParseJSONDecoder(dec)
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Failed to parse: %v", err)

intValue, err := val.Path("test.int").Data().(json.Number).Int64()

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