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GitHub - SoftbearStudios/mk48: Mk48.io ship combat game

Mk48.io ship combat game. Contribute to SoftbearStudios/mk48 development by creating an account on GitHub.

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GitHub - SoftbearStudios/mk48: Mk48.io ship combat game

Mk48.io ship combat game. Contribute to SoftbearStudios/mk48 development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Mk48.io Game



Mk48.io is an online multiplayer naval combat game, in which you take command of a ship and sail your way to victory. Watch out for torpedoes!



  1. Install rustup (see instructions here)
  2. Install Rust Nightly (rustup override set nightly-2022-08-14)
  3. Add WebAssembly target (rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown)
  4. Install trunk (cargo install --locked trunk, install gcc first if it complains about missing cc)
  5. Optionally, install the make command

You may use any version of Rust that works, but only nightly-2022-08-14 is known to be compatible.


  1. Enter /client
  2. make or, equivalently, trunk build --release
  3. Deploy the server to host the client


  1. Enter /server
  2. make to build and run a test server
  3. Navigate to localhost:8081 (or whatever port is printed in the console)


If you follow the Building steps, you have a fully functioning game (could be used to host a private server). If your goal is to modify the game, you may want to read more :)

Entity data

Entities (ships, weapons, aircraft, collectibles, obstacles, decoys, etc.) are defined at the bottom of common/src/entity/_type.rs.

Entity textures

Each entity type must be accompanied by a texture of the same name in the spritesheet, which comes with the repository. If entity textures need to be changed, see instructions in the sprite_sheet_packer directory.


Both client and server rely on our custom game engine (which is present in the engine directory).

Admin interface (optional)

One notable feature of the engine is an (optional) admin interface. To build it:

  1. Install NodeJS 14 or higher (here)
  2. Enter /engine/js
  3. make
  4. Deploy the server to host the admin interface
  5. Go to localhost:8081/admin/
  6. Paste the contents of engine/game_server/src/auth.txt, generated randomly by a build script, into the alert dialog


Many macros are utilized by the codebase. Mk48-specific macros can be found in the macros directory, and game engine macros can be found in the engine/engine_macros directory. A few notable macros are:

  • Mk48 entity loader (generates EntityData for all entity types, used by both client and server)
  • Game engine audio loader (generates Audio enum for client, with a variant per sound)
  • Game engine settings (generates Javascript bindings for settings structs)
  • Game engine renderer layer (for composable rendering layers)


See Contributing Wiki page.


Mk48.io is a trademark of Softbear, Inc.

Rust Resources

are all listed below.


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