

for different kinds of informations and explorations.

GitHub - stimulusreflex/cable_ready: Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time

Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time - stimulusreflex/cable_ready

Visit SiteGitHub - stimulusreflex/cable_ready: Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time

GitHub - stimulusreflex/cable_ready: Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time

Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time - stimulusreflex/cable_ready

Powered by 0x5a.live 💗

CableReady helps you create great real-time user experiences by making it simple to trigger client-side DOM changes from server-side Ruby. It establishes a standard for interacting with the client via ActionCable web sockets. No need for custom JavaScript.

Please read the official ActionCable docs to learn more about ActionCable before proceeding.

📚 Docs

💙 Community

  • Discord - primary support channel

🚀 Install


bundle add cable_ready


There are a few ways to install the CableReady JavaScript client, depending on your application setup.

ESBuild / Webpacker

yarn add cable_ready

Import maps:

# config/importmap.rb

# ...

pin 'cable_ready', to: 'cable_ready.js', preload: true

Rails Asset pipeline (Sprockets):

<!-- app/views/layouts/application.html.erb -->

<%= javascript_include_tag "cable_ready.umd.js", "data-turbo-track": "reload" %>

Checkout the documentation to continue!

🙏 Contributing

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting with CableReady is expected to follow the Code of Conduct

Coding Standards

This project uses Standard and prettier-standard to minimize bike shedding related to code formatting.

Please run ./bin/standardize prior submitting pull requests.

📦 Releasing

  1. Make sure that you run yarn and bundle to pick up the latest.
  2. Bump version number at lib/cable_ready/version.rb. Pre-release versions use .preN
  3. Run rake build and yarn build
  4. Commit and push changes to GitHub
  5. Run rake release
  6. Run yarn publish --no-git-tag-version
  7. Yarn will prompt you for the new version. Pre-release versions use -preN
  8. Commit and push changes to GitHub
  9. Create a new release on GitHub (here) and generate the changelog for the stable release for it

📝 License

CableReady is released under the MIT License.

Ruby Resources

are all listed below.


listed to get explored on!!

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to provide different kinds of informations and resources.