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GitHub - pyinvoke/invoke: Pythonic task management & command execution.

Pythonic task management & command execution. Contribute to pyinvoke/invoke development by creating an account on GitHub.

Visit SiteGitHub - pyinvoke/invoke: Pythonic task management & command execution.

GitHub - pyinvoke/invoke: Pythonic task management & command execution.

Pythonic task management & command execution. Contribute to pyinvoke/invoke development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Welcome to Invoke!

Invoke is a Python (2.7 and 3.4+) library for managing shell-oriented subprocesses and organizing executable Python code into CLI-invokable tasks. It draws inspiration from various sources (make/rake, Fabric 1.x, etc) to arrive at a powerful & clean feature set.

To find out what's new in this version of Invoke, please see the changelog <https://pyinvoke.org/changelog.html#{}>_.

The project maintainer keeps a roadmap <https://bitprophet.org/projects#roadmap>_ on his website.

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