

for different kinds of informations and explorations.

GitHub - beberlei/metrics: Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in.

Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in. - beberlei/metrics

Visit SiteGitHub - beberlei/metrics: Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in.

GitHub - beberlei/metrics: Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in.

Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in. - beberlei/metrics

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Build Status

Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in.

It also ships with a Symfony Bundle. This is not a library for displaying metrics.

Currently supported backends:

  • Doctrine DBAL
  • Graphite
  • InfluxDB
  • Telegraf
  • Librato
  • Logger (Psr\Log\LoggerInterface)
  • Null (Dummy that does nothing)
  • Prometheus
  • StatsD
  • Zabbix
  • DogStatsD


Using Composer:

composer require beberlei/metrics


You can instantiate clients:


$collector = \Beberlei\Metrics\Factory::create('statsd');

You can measure stats:



$start = microtime(true);
$diff  = microtime(true) - $start;
$collector->timing('foo.bar', $diff);

$value = 1234;
$collector->measure('foo.bar', $value);

Some backends defer sending and aggregate all information, make sure to call flush:




$statsd = \Beberlei\Metrics\Factory::create('statsd');

$zabbix = \Beberlei\Metrics\Factory::create('zabbix', array(
    'hostname' => 'foo.beberlei.de',
    'server'   => 'localhost',
    'port'     => 10051,

$zabbixConfig = \Beberlei\Metrics\Factory::create('zabbix_file', array(
    'hostname' => 'foo.beberlei.de',
    'file'     => '/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf'

$librato = \Beberlei\Metrics\Factory::create('librato', array(
    'hostname' => 'foo.beberlei.de',
    'username' => 'foo',
    'password' => 'bar',

$null = \Beberlei\Metrics\Factory::create('null');

Symfony Bundle Integration

Register Bundle into Kernel:


class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles[] = new \Beberlei\Bundle\MetricsBundle\BeberleiMetricsBundle();

Do Configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
    default: foo
            type: statsd
            type: zabbix
            prefix: foo.beberlei.de
            host: localhost
            port: 10051
            type: zabbix_file
            prefix: foo.beberlei.de
            file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
            type: librato
            username: foo
            password: bar
            source: hermes10
            type: doctrine_dbal
            connection: metrics # using the connection named "metrics"
            type: monolog
            type: influxdb
            influxdb_client: influxdb_client_service # using the InfluxDB client service named "influxdb_client_service"
                dc: "west"
                node_instance: "hermes10"
            type: prometheus
            prometheus_collector_registry: prometheus_collector_registry_service # using the Prometheus collector registry service named "prometheus_collector_registry_service"
            namespace: app_name # optional
                dc: "west"
                node_instance: "hermes10"

This adds collectors to the Metrics registry. The functions are automatically included in the Bundle class so that in your code you can just start using the convenient functions. Metrics are also added as services:


$metrics = $container->get('beberlei_metrics.collector.foo');

and the default collector can be fetched:


$metrics = $container->get('beberlei_metrics.collector');

PHP Resources

are all listed below.


listed to get explored on!!

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to provide different kinds of informations and resources.