

for different kinds of informations and explorations.

GitHub - Tjatse/node-readability: Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.

Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English. - Tjatse/node-readability

Visit SiteGitHub - Tjatse/node-readability: Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.

GitHub - Tjatse/node-readability: Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.

Scrape/Crawl article from any site automatically. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English. - Tjatse/node-readability

Powered by 0x5a.live 💗

read-art NPM version Build Status js-standard-style


  1. Readability reference to Arc90's.
  2. Scrape article from any page (automatically).
  3. Make any web page readable, no matter Chinese or English.



How it works

In my case, the speed of spider is about 1500k documents per day, and the maximize crawling speed is 1.2k /minute, avg 1k /minute, the memory cost are about 200 MB on each spider kernel, and the accuracy is about 90%, the rest 10% can be fixed by customizing Score Rules or Selectors. it's better than any other readability modules.

(4) Server infos:

  • 20M bandwidth of fibre-optical
  • 8 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz cpus
  • 32G memory

NodeJS Resources

are all listed below.


listed to get explored on!!

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to provide different kinds of informations and resources.